Dr. P. V. Vartak
M.B.B.S., F.U.W.A.I., Ph.D.(Lit.)[Washington DC.]
521 Shaniwar Peth, Pune 411030.
Dr. P. V. Vartak
M.B.B.S., F.U.W.A.I., Ph.D.(Lit.)[Washington DC.]
521 Shaniwar Peth, Pune 411030.
Shiva Lingam – A Symbol of Science
Everybody who worships Shiva, the great god of Hindus, or those who have seen Shiva-worship, know what Shiva-Lingam is. Shiva Lingam, also called as Pindi is composed of two parts. The central oval mass standing like a pillar is ‘Bana’ and around this Bana there is an oval or oblong ‘Salunka’ or ‘Vedi’. By looking at this Lingam no sensible person can imagine a sexual union. But unfortunately the Western scholars wrongly associated this Lingam with the phallus, a male sexual organ, and saw obscenity in this worship. They say that Bana is the penis and Salunka is the vagina, a female sex organ, and thus copulation is represented in the Shiva-Lingam. By any stretch of imagination, I cannot see the two sex organs in the Lingam. The Bana appears to have come out, upwards through the Salunka; it is not penetrating down into the Salunka, to think of sexual symbolism.
Some scholars say that the conception of phallicism occurred to the primitive people and they started this Shiva-Linga - worship. It is an established fact that the philosophy of the Upanishads has made the thinkers of the modern world almost blind by its dazzling light of knowledge. The people who attained such a high quality of wisdom and philosophy cannot be condemned as primitive. Those philosophers were worshipping Shiva Lingam. Can that be sexual symbolism? Can a man who has got his own sex organ, ever go to a temple to see the same thing there? Impossible.
Those, who say of Shiva Lingam as sexual symbol, are themselves primitive,because they cannot see anything else but sexuality. If we stretch our imagination to that extent, we can also say that the Cross, which the Christians worship, is also a symbol of sexual union. The horizontal small bar represents vagina of the female and the vertical bar piercing through it is the penis. If Shiva Lingam is a symbol of sexual union, the cross is also equally the same symbol; the only difference between the two is of art. Shiva - Lingam is quite artistic while there is no art in the cross. Being primitive they have represented only by lines.
Why did this sense of phallicism arise? It is because those people took wrong meaning of the word ‘Lingam.’ Lingam is, now, taken as a word suggesting sex, but its original meaning is a ‘sign’ or ‘symbol’. For example, Sir Winston Churchill was recognized by his cheroot, while Sir N. Chamberlain by his umbrella. Cheroot and umbrella were the signs or symbols of Churchill and Chamberlain respectively. In Sanskrit we would say Cheroot is the Lingam of Churchill, while umbrella is the Lingam of Chamberlain. Similarly Lingam of Gandhiji is Charkha. Formerly it was said that the Lingam of Indra was Vajra, Lingam of Brahmadeva was lotus. Thus ‘Linga’ means a sign or symbol by which a particular person is recognized. This is the basic meaning of Lingam and in this basic sense Kathopanishad 2/3/8 says, “The Purusha which is superior to unmanifested Brahma has no “Lingam”. Later on, with the same basic meaning the word Lingam was applied to the organ by which male and female are distinguished; and that meaning later became more popular.
Now, with these clear basic ideas let us think of Shiva Lingam. Before considering the ‘lingam’, let us see what Shiva Himself is. For this consideration I will refer to Vyasa, author of the epic Mahabharata and the oldest and the greatest of the intellectuals and historians. Vyasa was also a great sage, a seer, who had achieved superhuman powers, the Siddhis. He has written so many books of such a high quality that there is no comparison for him in the whole world. Let us see what Vyasa says about Shiva.
In the Mahabharata, Drona parva Adhyaya 201, Vyasa writes thus :-
Narayana performed strenuous Tapa, when the highest God of the world, the origin of the Universe and the parent of the world, appeared himself before Narayana. That God is known as Shambhu, Hara or Rudra. He is smaller than Paramanu (subatomic particle like Proton, Neutron, Electron) and greater than any thing greatest. He is the cause of vitality in all the living things. Everything living or non-living originates from him. He can never be seen by ordinary people. He has engulfed the whole world. He is the limit of the Time. He has no birth, no death. He is invisible, unmanifest. He is the Soul of the Soul. He has no emotion, sentiment or passion at all.
In this context Vyasa has mentioned clearly that the one who worships the Lingam form of Shiva becomes perfect in Atmayoga as well as Shastrayoga. Atmayoga means the indirect knowledge of Unity of Jeeva (life) and Brahma (Supreme energy), while Shastra yoga is the direct knowledge of the Unity of Jeeva and Brahma. Thus Shiva-Lingam shows the union of Jeeva and Brahma, and not the union of opposite sexes.
Vyasa specifically says that for the direct knowledge of the unity of Jeeva and Brahma, Linga is essential. This statement is very important in the modern era of science today. With this specification of Vyasa in our mind, let us see what he says further.
The Mahabharata, Drona. A.202 states- “All the gods including Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra, have originated from him. He is Chitswarupa (Energy) and is present in all the bodies and controls all the bodies. The whole Universe is His Body. He is the master of all and hence is called as the Great God, Mahadeva. He is also known as Sthanu. He is the Soul of the Universe; He is the creator of the Universe and is the Universe Himself. He is the self-made (Swayambhu). He is full of knowledge and can be understood only by knowledge. He is the source of the light. Everything in the world is his form.” He has got (according to Anusasana 17,) four heads, five heads, and thousands of heads. He has three eyes. He is known as Hiranyagarbha, Sukshmatma and Sutratma. All these three names are very important. He is the first of all, has no beginning and has no end. The seed originates from him. He enjoys sixty elements of the world, and these elements are his own parts. (Shasthibhaga). He is Prajabeeja, Mahattatva and later coming Ahankara. He is called ‘Vanshakar’ because he produces generations.
All these descriptions and names are very important and should be borne in mind because the whole symbolism is to be explained on this basis. Before we go to that explanation, let us see what other knowledge the Ancient Indians had. That is also very important to understand the real meaning of Lingam.
In the Mahabharata, Shanti Parva A. 302 there is included a dialogue between Vasistha and Janaka. Here, Vasistha tells that twelve thousand Divine years make one Yuga. Four such Yugas make one Kalpa. That comes to 48 million of Divine years. This is only one day of Brahmadeva. His night is also of the same length. So the day and night of Brahmadeva together make 96 million Divine years. Please note that these are divine years and one divine day is equal to one human year. Hence, we have to multiply 96 millions by 360. It comes to 34560 million human years. Vasistha says that after the interval of 34560 million human years Ishana, Jyotirupa, Avyaya, Shambhu starts his work.
First of all this Shambhu creates Hiranyagarbha, also known as Vishvarupa (having the form of the Universe) or Mahan (great) or Bhootagraja, which means the first thing in the world. Vedantis call this Hiranyagarbha as Sutratma (a principle in the form of a fibre). Yoga Sastra calls it ‘Mahan’ (great) or ‘AJA’ (having no birth). The Sankhya Shastra calls it Vichitrarupa (having queer form), Vishvatma (basic principle of the Universe) and Ekashara (the one which does not wane, perish or decay). Hiranyagarbha prepared all the things forming this world and occupied those himself. Thus, He himself turned into many forms and hence, got the name Vishvarupa (form of the Universe) and Bahurupa (having many forms). He generates himself in innumerable forms and becomes invisible. This change from invisible to visible or unnmanifest to manifest is named as Vidyasarga. (Please note that the real sense of the words Vyakta and Avyakta cannot be translated into English appropriately.)
Hiranyagarbha gives rise to Ahankar and Virata Prajapati. This process is called is Avidyasarga. From Ahankar all the microscopic things evolved. (Sukshma-Bhuta-Srusti). Then arose five Mahabhutas - Akash, Vayu, Teja, Apah, Pruthvi with their attributes, Shabda, Sparsha, Rupa, Rasa, Gandha. After this the fifth generation evolved with five sense organs and the mind.
Here the origin of the Universe is considered. You may remember the theory published by Sir Bernard Lowell, a research scientist of England, after catching up the microwave signals from the explosion. It is very astonishing to note the similarity between the two theories. According to Sir Lovell, the matter that became the Universe later was concentrated in a single primeval fireball. This fireball exploded 10,000 million years ago, into pieces that became the stars and Galaxies. Sage Vasistha uses the word ‘Jyotirupa’ (which means a form of Jyoti, the Fire), while Lovell uses the word Fireball. Is there any difference? Vasistha says “From that Jyotirupa everything which composes the Universe, developed 34560 million years ago”. Lovell says, ‘The Universe developed from the fireball 10,000 million years ago”. Is there any difference to us between 34560 million and 10,000 million years? Vasistha appears to be more precise while Lovell is approximate. Later on Lovell may accept Vasistha’s figure. You may have, now, been convinced how accurately our sages have described the creation of the Universe, true to the latest science. Can you, now, think of sexual union in Shiva Lingam, which was worshipped by Vasistha?
Let us now consider the living world. First of all, Amurta Shambhu i.e. shapeless Shiva was present. Shiva Shambhu is not having any figure or form like that of a man or animal to possess any sex organ. He is Jyotirupa, it means He is in the form (Rupa) of Energy (Jyoti). He has no end, no destruction. Energy has no destruction. He gave rise to Hiranyagarbha, which is the first living creature or structure and is named ‘Bhutagraja’. He is Vishvavupa that means He is present in all the living and non-living things. He is Sukshma (that means smallest, microscopic), and Sthanu (that means an atom ‘Anu’, which is always present ‘Stha’). If we consider such a smallest particle, which is the first and the foremost of all the living structures, on the base of modern science, we immediately think of D. N. A. molecule (Deoxy-Ribo Nucleic acid).
Now, let us consider the points of similarity between D.N.A. and Shiva. It is well known that Shiva is Ugra and his name also is Ugra. Ugra means an acid. D.N.A. is also an acid. Vedanta calls that Hiranyagarbha as Sutratma. Sutratma means an Atma in the form of Sutra i.e. a thread or filament. The modern science admits that a DNA molecule is really like a thread or filament. “In a single human germ-cell this filament of DNA is about one metre in length”, says Watson in his book ‘The Double Helix’. The Yoga-science calls it Mahan, the great. It is really great because it is present in all the living things. Its molecular weight is one million, so the scientists call it ‘great’. It has no birth. It develops from itself. DNA also duplicates, that means develops from itself. Mr. J. D. Watson describes this as ‘self replication’.
Sankhya calls it Vichitrarupa i.e. fantastically shaped. DNA also is fantastically shaped like a spiral staircase or Helix. Sankhya calls it Vishvatma meaning the Soul of the Universe. Modern science admits that DNA is the soul or the essential thing of the living world. It is named as Ekakshara, the immortal, the one who has no denudation, no loss, no end. DNA has no end, no loss - it duplicates or replicates itself, giving rise to itself. Thus all these seven points tally.
It is said that Ahankar is developed form Hiranyagarbha. Ahankara literarily means a shape, which can call itself as ‘I’ (Aham). A Gene, Chromosome and Nucleus are developed from DNA, all of which can call themselves as I or myself. From this Nucleus, a cell is formed, so the nuclear material is named as Prajabeeja. From this First cell many cells develop by multiplication. These millions of cells are Praja and the one from which all these originate is Prajapati. All these cells are microscopic, therefore they are named as Sukshma-Bhuta-Srushti, (the microscopic or unicellular living world). Here, we can include virus, bacteria and all single-celled organisms. A cell itself appears as a ‘Pindi’. The cell is Salunka, while its nucleus the Bana.
It is said that after the microscopic world, the visible world (Sthula Srushti) came into being. This visible world contains five sense organs and the mind. This is true to the modern science, which accepts that in the remote past, only single-celled organisms were present. Eventually, a number of cells grouped together to form a society with division of labour - thus developing many systems and sense organs of a single multicellular living organism. In this way a world of multicellular living beings came into existence.
I would like to assert that all these theories are written 7500 years ago in the Mahabharata by the Indian Sages. Some theories, e.g. those of Vasistha are still more ancient dating as back as 10,000 years ago. You will all agree, now, that these are not mere stories but are scientific truths, which corroborate with the modern science. Those ancient sages had recognized the ultimate truth of the life - the DNA molecule. They defined it as Shiva and started worship.
For this worship of Shiva for ordinary laymen, and for the sake of further studies for the pupils, the Rishis had to bring forth a symbol. The sages prepared a model according to their vision. This model of DNA is the Shiva-Lingam.
There is no form to Shiva, neither human, nor animal, nor any other figure is present in Shiva, as we have seen so far. Then how can it represent sex organs?
Let us now proceed to see the details of Shiva-Lingam. There is a central pillar, the Bana, surrounding which there is Salunka. Spiraling around the Bana there is a cobra or snake. There is Tripunda Gandha, a special mark on forehead. This special mark is really a special. It appears to be a picture of a snake spiralling around an axis. It looks like a spring. This shape resembling a spring is very important. We know that the DNA molecule is a Helix. The modern scientists compare it with a spiral staircase, and call it a Double Helix, while the ancient sages have compared it with a spiral of cobra. The cobra takes support of Bana. DNA takes support of nucleus. The ancient comparison depends more on reduplication. The reduplication of DNA fibre mimics the copulation of the snakes. The snake is a living thing like DNA; but the staircase is not living. The modern scientists (Watson and Crick) have prepared a model in 1953 of a spiral staircase to depict DNA molecule; while the ancient sages have prepared a model to depict the same DNA and that model is the Shiva-Lingam. To have the sense of life in that model, they thought of the spirals of a cobra and to make it reach a common man, they put forth an idea of Tripunda Gandha, a sacred mark drawn on the forehead with our three Fingers dipped in the Sandal-wood-paste. Quite an ingenious representation, is not it?
We can see the simile further. The Nucleic Acids are formed of four parts known as Mononucleotides. The four heads of Lord Shiva are the same four parts. Shiva is described to have three eyes. Each Mononucleotide has three parts viz. phosphoric Acid, Sugar and Base. The four heads of Shiva face towards the four directions. In the comparatively simple Ribonucleic Acid, RNA, its four Mononucleotides are at four sides. These nucleotides are Adenine, Guanine, Uracil and Cytosine.
More wonder lies ahead. At some places the Mahabharata describes that Shiva has four heads, at other places it is said that Shiva has five heads, still other places mention that He has thousands of heads. I think that as the research progressed the number of heads went on increasing. The modern science has passed through the same phase. First it discovered two Purines, Adenin and Guanine, plus two Pyrimidines, Cytosine and Uracil, in the molecule of DNA. Hence they called it as ‘Tetramononucleotide’. Then some researcher found out that Thymine is present in some DNA molecules, instead of Uracil. So the concept of Tetra-Mono-Nucleotide (Chaturmukha) dissolved and that of Penta-Mono-nucleotide (Panchmukha) came up. As the research progressed further, the scientists found out two thousand mononucleotides establishing the concept of Sahasra-Shirsha, Thousands of heads. Now-a-days only four mononucleotides are supposed to be the bases of DNA. A single human germ cell DNA contains 10 raised to the power of 9 (ten raised to nine) base pairs. So the sages appear to be correct. We should not wonder about comparisons made with the human parts like head, eyes etc by the ancient sages; because Noble Laureate Watson also has compared the sugar-phosphate linkage with the back-bone, in his book ‘ The Double Helix’. Such a comparison is not unscientific because it is essential for a common man to understand the subject.
Shiva is said to have five wads of hair on his head. (Shendi or Choti) A wad of hair was supposed to be the most important part of the body, in those ancient days. These five wads represent the five important basic parts, the five elements Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Carbon, Phosphorus There is no sixth element in a DNA molecule.
Shiva is known us Vanshakar, the one who produces generations, Children, grand children, great-grand children and so on. When we speak of generations, we take into account the hereditary characters. It is an established fact that the hereditary characters are transmitted by genes of the chromosomes i.e. the Nucleic Acid. The hereditary properties are comprised within the chromosomes, the chromatin of which consists of long molecules of Nucleoprotein. DNA is arranged in a definite molecular pattern, which is reproduced with almost unerring accuracy, when new cells are formed. So from the modern point of view D.N.A. molecule is Vanshakar. The same thing is told by our ancient sages.
“The smallest molecule of Life is Shiva” say our sages, but modern science calls it D.N.A. The symbol of DNA is double Helix, while the symbol of Shiva is Lingam. After considering all the similarities, we have to conclude that the sages must have studied all this science and must have seen the molecule of life, DNA, by their third eye of wisdom. It is said in Linga Purana that “only the intellectuals can see the most minute form of Shiva with the eye of wisdom, ordinary people cannot do so. Hence for the benefit of the laymen the sages evolved the model of Shiva as Lingam.” Watson and Crick and very few others have seen the DNA molecule with the eye of wisdom. All other scientists have to be satisfied with the spiral staircase. If we go on putting the Lingas one above the other, with some rotation of Salunka, it will mimic the model of DNA prepared by modern science. Thus the similarity is perfect as far as the Life molecule is concerned; but this is not all.
We have considered the life so far; but Shiva is not the Master of life alone. Shiva is the master of the lifeless things also. He is Swami of Chara (animate) and Achara (inanimate). Let us now consider the things without life (Achara). So far we considered Biochemistry, now we will deal with Physics.
The Bhagawata Skandh 3, Adhyaya 11, Shlokas 1 and 2 quote the teaching of sage Maitreya. Maitreya says, “ If we go on dividing matter, a stage will come when it can not be divided further. This smallest particle which cannot be divided is Paramanu. The Paramanu is separate from others and it is not in union with any other. Aggregation of such Paramanus makes a matter visible as an apparition.”
This definition is not of an atom, as it appears apparently, but it defines Paramanu, which means a sub-atomic particle like Proton. Now it is proved that atom is divisible. The word Atom is derived from Anu. Anu is divisible, but Param anu is not divisible. Here the word Paramanu is used. Atom is divisible into Proton, Neutron and Electron. These subatomic particles are Paramanus according to the definition given in the Bhagawata.
The Bhagawata has mentioned at 3-11-5 that two Paramanus together form an Anu, while three Paramanus together form a Trasarenu. This definitely shows that Maitreya knew of Proton, Neutron, Electron and an Atom. He named Proton, Neutron and Electron as Paramanu. He knew that two Paramanus Proton and Electron together formed an Atom, which he named as ‘Anu’. He also knew that three Paramanus i.e. Proton, Neutron, Electron together formed an atom which he named as ‘Trasarenu’.
John Dalton was the first person to put up the theory of an Atom in 1808 AD The Bhagawata is written around 1652 years BC. There may arise a debate on the date of the Bhagawata, but it is certain that the Bhagawata is not written after 1808 AD, after John Dalton. Nobody can say, at least today, that the Bhagawata is written after the discovery of Atom by Dalton in 1808 AD. I will not wonder if some brain puts forth such a theory in future, at least when we see today’s research about ancient literature particularly the Mahabharata. I do not worry about the future. Today I assert that the theory of an Atom was established around 4600 years ago in India, at least three thousand years before John Dalton.
John Dalton and his contemporaries were wrong in stating indivisibility of atom. In his time in 1808 AD though all the scientists accepted that an atom was not divisible, the Bhagawata was saying that Anu was divisible in two parts and those parts were named as Paramanus.
Later on Bequerel proved in 1895 AD that an Atom can be divided. Dalton was proved to be wrong, while Maitreya was proved true. Still later, Rutherford proved that there were smaller particles of atom. Thomas studied the Cathode rays and discovered Electron, which is negatively charged. Rutherford discovered positively charged Proton in 1911 AD. James Chadwick discovered the third particle Neutron in 1932 AD. All these discoveries proved how accurately Maitreya had quoted his discovery more than three thousand years ago.
Still more wonders are written in the Bhagawata. Maitreya says. “There are so many materials on this earth, they have specific properties, which are present in their Anu, but those specific properties are not seen in Paramanu, the ultimate basic state, now proved by science. There is a group of Paramanu and they are named as Parama-Mahana.”
Here it is clearly stated that there are a number of particles, which, later on, get converted into Paramanus i.e. Proton, Neutron and Electron. These particles are named as Parama - Mahana. The Parama - Mahana gives birth to Paramamu, Proton, Neutron and Electron. This Parama Mahana is lord Shiva, who occupies the whole of the Universe.
In a lecture on Shiva-Lingam in July 1975, 1 had described this Param-Mahan a group of sub-atomic particles. Later on Dr. Pyarelal Jain discovered the Charmed Particles and published an article on 26th August 1975, one month later than my discovery. His work proved and re-enforced my discovery about the Parama Mahana of the Bhagawata. I congratulate Dr. Jain for his discovery.
Now we shall consider Shiva-Lingam again. There is a central Bana, which represents three Gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh. Parvati is represented by Salunka, which is oval or oblong in shape with three ridges carved at its periphery. Parvati is Maya and Shakti. She is a sort of energy field and plays very important role in the Universe. She is the wife of Shiva and half of Shiva (Ardhangi). She dances around Shiva all the time.
If we see the figure of an atom we find two parts - central nucleus (which is Bana) and around it an oval electron field (Salunka). Out of the great Trinity, two are more important namely Hari and Hara. Hari is Purush, a man i.e. positive Proton. Hara is indifferent, without any attraction (Virakta), so Hara means Neutron having no charge at all. The wife of Hara is Shakti, who plays with the Universe including Brahma and Vishnu. She is the mother of all. She is a female i.e. negative. So the negative Electron field is Salunka, representing Shakti.
All of us know that a lotus came out of the navel of Vishnu and on that lotus Brahma is seated. The lotus depicts a delicate bond, which keeps Brahma bound to Vishnu. The stem of lotus being flexible, Brahma moves around Vishnu in his lotus. This story shows that Electron means Brahma moving around Proton or Vishnu, in his lotus. Brahma is encircling and playing in the Electron field around Proton or Vishnu. Brahma is circling and playing in the Electron field – the field of energy or Maya, i.e. the Salunka. Maya is the force of attraction of nucleus or Proton on the electron. Hence it is depicted by the delicate lotus, which joins two Virata Purushas, Brahma and Vishnu (Proton and Electron). In Sanskrit, lotus is a symbol of love and affection, i.e. attraction.
There are always three ridges carved on Salunka. These three ridges are the three orbits of the electron field. In Sanskrit, three means many. So the three ridges represent many orbits of electron field.
Shiva himself does not do anything. He has given Vishnu the full authority to maintain the Universe. Brahma is to produce everything. Brahma and Vishnu work with the energy of Shiva, which is Shakti. Another name of Shakti is Renuka. The name is very descriptive. Renuka means the one who produces Renu i.e. Molecule. Two atoms {anu) make one molecule (Renu). The energy, which forms the molecules, is known as Renuka, modern scientists call it ‘Valency.’ The actual producer of molecules is Electron or Brahma. Modern Physics shows that Electrons are shared between the atoms to form a molecule; and because of the formation of the molecules, this world came into existence. So ancient Indian concept that Brahma produced the world appears to be true. Brahma means electron.
Motherly or reproductive energy forming molecules is Renuka. This is one form of Parvati. But there is another form of Parvati, known as ‘Rudrani ‘, very destructive, terrible and catastrophic in nature. Rudrani is always around Rudra. Rudra is Neutron who is situated in Bana or Nucleus. If somebody tries to separate her from Rudra, that means if somebody tries to smash or crush this Bana (nucleus) – performs the Nuclear fission as is known these days - this Rudrani comes out with fierce force. Probably, the first scientist Sage, knowing this destructive energy, did the first atomic explosion in an underground cell near a river and outside the town. That is why, the tradition-loving Hindus still erect temples of Shiva near a river, outside town, away from population, and the Lingam is always placed underground. Sometimes Shiva-temple is on the mountains; but in any case Lingam is always underground. Thus Lingam is a model of an atom.
Shiva Lingam is bathed continuously with water, but that water falling down from the Lingam is never touched. People never drink that water as a Teerth, (sacred water), though it is a custom in case of other Gods like Vishnu etc. This fear about the water of Shiva has a root in the experience of the remote past, when experiments were done on this atom model. The sages knew that the water did not remain potable, it becomes Heavy Water due to Radiation from Lingam. So they ordered the pupils not to touch or drink that water and not to cross it when it flows away. It is because that heavy water may affect the genitals and make them infertile. This tradition came up to us without the scientific knowledge behind.
Shiva Lingam is always placed near a river, because the sages were doing experiments on the atoms and they knew that if some accident takes place, there will be Radiation Fall-out, and to save from that radiation hazards the only way was to jump into the rivers and remain immersed in the water.
All these traditions point to the presence of the knowledge of the atom and atomic energy.
In Yoga-Vasistha, the sage tells Rama, “I saw Rudra dancing in the space. At that time it appeared that the space itself is personified. He looked like a great pillar of blue flames. A shadow developed from Him; and started dancing in front of Him. She appeared as if the darkness itself had been personified. I ran with the speed of mind for thousands of years; but I could hardly see her head or feet, so tall was she. She is named as ‘Kali’ or ‘Bhairavi’.
Rudra, the great flame and Kali, the darkness, suggest positivity and negativity. The same concept is confirmed by the discovery of Dr. Pyarelal Jain about the Charmed Particles, which are named as Quark and Antiquark. Shiva and Sakti. Rudra and Kali. These two produce positive Proton and negative Electron. Kali is dancing around Shiva. Negative Electron is also dancing around positive proton. So the simile is perfect. The dance of Kali suggests three types of movements namely rotation, revolution and vibration. While dancing Kali vibrates her feet, rotates around herself and while in these two actions she rotates around Shiva. All these three motions are present in the Electron. Parvati is invisible Maya, but she holds Brahma, her son, in her arms, while dancing. Brahma is visible. Therefore the movements of Brahma can be seen, though Parvati or Renuka is not seen. As Brahma is in the arms of Parvati, his movements are from her. It is like a modern custom. We cannot see the air currents, but to study those we float balloon in air and see its movements. Movements of balloon are supposed to be the movements of air. Similarly, movements of Brahma are those of Parvati. Thus the simile of dance is perfect.
Male and female, flame and shadow, definitely suggest positive and negative. Any energy has got these two poles positive and negative. Understanding fully this fact our ancestors prepared the Lingam. Because they had the knowledge of Magnetism, and they knew that the north pole of Earth is negative, they placed the negativity or Salunka pointing towards the North. This is the tradition even today, though the science behind is forgotten.
We saw until now, that the smallest living thing is Shiva-Lingam and the smallest nonliving thing is also Shiva-Lingam. Let us now see the biggest, because Shiva is said to be the smallest as well as the biggest. Some great mountains are shaped like Lingam e.g. Shivaneri. The biggest mountain of the world, the Himalaya looks like Shivalingam. Why talk of only mountains? The biggest Planetary Nebula and Extra-Galactic Nebula look like Shiva-Lingam. Shiva is described as the biggest of the big and Jyotirmaya; if you look at the picture of a Nebula, you will realize how correct is the description. If we consider the whole Universe, it is also like Shiva-Lingam. Einstein has rightly said that a straight line is not straight, because if extended to infinity, it forms an oblong. The Universe is, in fact, ellipse. Salunka is also ellipse. Galaxy has a shape like Shiva-Lingam. Its central mass (i.e. Bana) is 25000 light years in height, while its Salunka has a diameter of 100,000 light years. Our sages recognized all these facts and depicted in Shiva-Lingam. As one can never encircle the Universe, it is told not to encircle i.e. not to perambulate the Shiva-Lingam. This tradition is still followed strictly by Hindus though the reason behind is forgotten.
Now you must have realized that our sages had studied thoroughly the minute and the enormous, living and nonliving, stars and the Universe, and found out the ultimate energy. They noticed that the ultimate energy is only one, but has many manifestations. Studying completely that Supreme energy the sages prepared a model for the students to study it and for the ordinary people to worship it. The symbol of that energy is Shiva-Lingam and the energy is Shiva himself.
Our ancestors have done great work but as the time passed, the real meaning was lost, leaving behind the traditions and literature, which we can study. It is our duty to study the whole of the ancient literature and traditions to revitalize the knowledge. I am sure by this way we can make advances in the scientific progress and India can, once again, show the light of knowledge to the world.
The End
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